The Island Equator Mid Length Surfboard gives you great fun & performance in a durable EPS epoxy board. Extra area gives great paddling, stability and drive for performance
Island Equator Midlength Surfboard
The Island Equator Midlength Surfboard is a great value way to expand your quiver and your surfing fun. You get an easy paddling, easy wave catching shape, that is also fast and responsive. The way it does this is by giving you a fuller outline, primarily in the nose. This extra area helps you get into waves easily. Once on the wave this nose fullness, that carries down the board, gives great stability. So in your popup you’ll be sure footed and directed the board sooner. The Equator Midlength also gives you a lot of speed without effort. A double concave toward the tail naturally gives flow and a speed boost when you drive hard.
The Island Equator Midlength Surfboard has an EPS and epoxy construction. This makes it lighter and stronger than a normal board so it will be long lasting. The EPS foam also gives extra buoyancy so the paddle out and paddle onto waves is a breeze. The whole design of the Equator Midlength is to help surfers who want to progress, progress faster. So if you’re a Beginner you’ll get a fast fun board. If you’re more advanced you’ll get a board that the more energy and drive you put into it the more speed and carve you’ll get out.
6’10 x 21 1/8″ x 2 3/4″ 42.01L
衝浪板運費因尺寸有差別運費,7尺以下$500/ 7尺以上$600/ 9尺以上$800