DSB+HybridDSB+Hybrid 3DSB+Hybrid 4DSB+Hybrid 2DSB+Hybrid 1DSB+Hybrid 5

衝浪板 Volume Hybrid Surfboard


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Rocker: 45% Drive & Speed / 55% Pivot & Response

Contours: Front – Single Concave / Back – Single + Double Concave

Construction: EPS + Stringer / Fiberglass / Epoxy Resin

Wave Size: 2– 6 Feet (Knee High – Overhead)

Not quite a shorty, the Hybrid is a one board quiver for experienced surfers needing a board that’ll work in all sorts of waves.

The differences between the Hybrid and a performance shorty are subtle, but enough to add a layer of forgiveness. Slightly wider through the nose, and the rocker a touch more relaxed, meaning it’s easier to generate and hold speed, which is THE most important thing when it comes to successfully and consistently executing turns.

I’ve worked on this design since 2008 when I was recovering from major hip surgery. My goal was to return to a high level of performance, but since I’d lost power in my hip and back leg, I needed a little help.

Under the arm the Hybrid feels like a performance board. There’s enough depth in the concaves and lift in the tail to feel sensitive and unrestrictive when performing turns in steep sections. When you anticipate the turn, the board will react instantly, but through the turn there’s a feeling of predictability. It’s a really nice balance, and if you’re after one board that does everything… well, this is it!

Fin recommendations:

FCS II Accelerator (Predictable feel with added control)
FCS II Reactor (Ideal for perfecting tighter turns)


5’7” x 19 1/2’’ x 2 1/2 ‘’ (30.3L)

5’9” x 19 3/4’’ x 2 9/16 ‘’ (32.5L)

5’11” x 20” x 2 5/8 ‘’ (34.8L)

6’1” x 20 1/4’’ x 2 11/16 ‘’ (37.1L)

6’3” x 20 1/2’’ x 2 3/4 ‘’ (39.5L)

此商品含一組FCS II Performer Glass Flex Black M號




衝浪板運費因尺寸有差別運費,7尺以下$500/ 7尺以上$600/ 9尺以上$800




現貨/In Stock, 預購/Preorder


5’11, 5’7, 5’9, 6’1, 6’3